Saturday, May 8, 2010

Coming Back Home

Today was my first day back in West Deptford, and I have to say it was a little strange. As chaotic as my life was living between WD, UPenn, and TCNJ (that's a lot of acronyms...), it was my life for two years, and I had grown accustomed to living out of a suitcase as I attempted to show equal attention to my College, my family, and my boyfriend each week. I guess it goes to show that our lives are what we make of them, and as I organize my room knowing that I won't be moving back out in August, I'm trying to see this new chapter as an exciting opportunity to move courageously toward my future (whatever that means). For those of you who don't know, no I'm not dropping out of college, I'm commuting to TCNJ for the final two years of my undergraduate degree. It was a complicated, difficult decision. A big part of it was money. My scholarship covers my tuition and most of my fees, so therefore I was only taking out students loans to live in a crappy dorm, and I simply was not willing to do that anymore. I also wanted to be closer to my family (due to some issues...) as well as Andy, and lastly, I was never the traditional "college experience"-type. Drinking doesn't interest me whatsoever, and I've never been very good at maintaining large groups of friends (aka sorority-type living). I'm more of a one-on-one type of friend, or very small groups, and I prefer to forge lasting connections rather than numerous shallow, fair-weather type friendships. Somehow this translates into my losing friends quite often. Does anyone else feel like they're always losing friends? It astounds me that Andy has stuck around for almost 6 years, so I must be doing SOMETHING right...

Anyway, I've gotten very off track...what was I talking about? Oh yeah, being home. So it's an adjustment that is making me feel a mixture of euphoria, nostalgia, and'll be easier once Andy is home after his finals on Tuesday, because no matter where I am, I always feel at home with him.

1 comment:

  1. Don't worry, Nicole, I always feel like I am losing friends. Glad we are both not alone. Your choice was a good one, living from home.
