Tuesday, June 1, 2010

25 Things!

So let me just say how excited I was to be tagged in Sarah's This Unfinished Life to post 25 random things about myself. I was feeling really insecure tonight and it made me smile to be included in her list :)

So here goes...

1: I often feel like the "black sheep" when in a group, interestingly enough because I'm too liberal for my conservative friends and too conservative for my liberal friends.

2: The only time I don't feel like a black sheep is when I'm with Andy, because he and I are the same type of sheep. But then I wonder, does everyone feel like a black sheep?

3: Sheep is a funny word.

4: Sometimes, I watch youtube videos of kittens to cheer myself up.

5: I have a wavering relationship with the institution of the Catholic Church, but an unwavering relationship with God.

6: I am obsessed with nuns, and am periodically haunted by the thought that I may be called to become one. (I'm not, I simply admire their strength and grace)

7: I have never been drunk, and the temptation to drink does not exist within me. I think that part of my brain never developed. Thank God.

8: I am afraid that I will one day find myself homeless, in more ways than one.

9: I don't know if I want to go to grad school.

10: I have a lot of love to give, but it is extremely focused love. I'm not a people pleaser in the grand sense. I seek the approval of my family and a limited group of cherished friends only. Very limited.

11: I am neurotically punctual and cheap. I'm working on it, and slowly improving in both areas.

12: There was a short time in my life when I was not burdened with thoughts about my body's imperfections, and I miss it.

13: In college, I've acquired enough confidence to recognize what I deserve and to not compare myself to other girls.

14: There are three prayers in my life that were answered after the fervent recitation of a rosary. I believe in the power of prayer.

15: I love the movie Zoolander.

16: I bought a UPenn wallet and felt like a traitor, but I'm sorry TCNJ, UPenn is just a better lover than you.

17: I like to personify places.

18: I miss my grandmother every day.

19: I worry that my future children will not get to meet their grandfather, the same way that I didn't. Isn't drinking grand?

20: I need to let go of a lot of bitterness.

21: I felt the first tickings of my biological clock this week. Uh-oh.

22: I hope to one day visit Jerusalem.

23: I want to name my son Ezekiel because it's a kick-ass sounding Bible name. Or Enoch. Or Malachi.

24: I don't care about the Phillies, at all. I care about the Flyers a little.

25: I stopped eating sweets for Lent this year, but gave up after a homily in which the priest said, "Lent isn't about giving up Hershey kisses!"...hehe, works for me.

1 comment:

  1. aww..Nicole!! I love ur number 14 :) and I miss my grandparents too...i haven't seen mine in 10+ years and i have never thought of you as a "black sheep" (this is the first time i heard this expression lol) i admire you for your ideals and it's very rare to find a gem like you so don't change!
